Amid the strife, turmoil and
injustice that seems to surround us daily, the Social Justice Team at
Triumphant Baptist Church (TBC) has
adopted “Voting Rights and Registration” as one of its first and immediate
priority areas of attention. Following you will find information regarding
the 2020 election and its process.
As we approach the November election on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, we already know that exercising our individual right to vote is the best way to communicate how we want to see our Christian values influence positive change during these turbulent times. Our voices are important because each vote counts. To some, they are threatening voices because they call for a change to the status quo in our society. Voices calling for change may lead to the voting rights of people of color, of low-income, and of immigrant backgrounds being challenged. We must each be equipped with the correct information to succeed in casting our votes.
TBC extends an opportunity for you to get the correct information you will need to learn about your right to vote and how to exercise that right. Links to articles about eligibility to vote and links to online registration and other informative websites are below. Most of all, let us help to answer your questions about voting.
Please feel free to share the information and encourage others to visit the websites.
Most of all …VOTE!!!